God Clothes Wildflowers
Matthew 6: 28-30
The lilies of the field do not sow or reap. They stand in one place. They can not make it rain or make the sun shine. Everything they need to live they have absolutely no way of providing for themselves. Yet God provides and arrays them in beauty finer than that of Solomon. You whose worry is great and faith is small, are you not worth more to God who gave his Son for you than a wildflower? If he clothes the grass this way he will clothe his children. He has already arrayed the believer in spiritual garments better than anything this world has to offer. Who made you a new creature in Christ? God did. Like the king’s daughter, the believer is all glorious within, our garments are of the gold of Christ’s righteousness, gold he wrought in the furnace of affliction himself (Is 61: 10.) You could not put on those garments. But God put them on you (Ex 28: 3; Rev 1: 5, 6.) Why then do you worry and distrust that God will provide your temporal needs? He has provided today, has he not? Count what God has clothed you with today and rejoice in your heart.