Author | Clay Curtis |
Title | The Will of the Father |
Bible Text | James 4:17 |
Date | 01-Sep-2010 |
Series |
James 2010
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Listen: The Lord Willing (32 kbps) / [go to notes]
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Listen: The Lord Willing (128 kbps) / [go to notes]
The Will of the Father
James 4: 17
This is the will of the Father that you believe on his Son, Christ Jesus the Lord (John 6: 29.) In him are hid all the treasures God has for his people: righteousness, justification, sanctification, eternal life! This world consists of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. It is not of the Father and shall perish. But he that does the will of the Father shall be saved (1 John 2: 15-17.) Christ the Light has come, and admit it or not, it is known the world over. It is a greater offense for those who know the truth and do otherwise. The Lord gives such simple and clear instructions that none are without excuse: submit yourselves to God (James 4: 7), ask God for wisdom (James 4: 8; 1: 5), set your mind on one object, Christ Jesus (James 4: 8), repent from all else believing on Christ Jesus trusting him to fulfill all his promise of salvation (James 4: 9, 10.) Pride says, "I will, I will, I will!" Listen to the uncertainty of your will, "For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." Get hold of how certain this word is from the able Lord of glory, "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and HE SHALL LIFT YOU UP." Ask the leper! (Mark 1: 40-42.) Are you a leper? Then say no more, "I will, I will" but humble yourselves in the sight of God, saying, "If thou wilt, thou can make me clean!" Oh, to hear these words in your soul from the Lord who is able, "I will; be thou clean!" May God exercise his irresistible will in you to make you willing in the day of his power to bow to him!