Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleWisdom From Above
Bible TextJames 3:17
Series James 2010
Article Type Article
PDF Format pdf
Word Format doc
Audio HI-FI Listen: Who is a Wise Man? (32 kbps)  /  [go to notes]
Audio CD Quality Listen: Who is a Wise Man? (128 kbps)  /  [go to notes]

James 3: 17


Wisdom God gives is pure: not of sinful man, every good and perfect gift is from God; then peaceable: delighting to cover the sins of brethren, to speak words of comfort; gentle and easy to be entreated: the opposite of the self-righteous, overbearing spirit; full of mercy and good fruits: delighting to show mercy, visiting the helpless in their trial with meekness; without partiality--without a respect of persons; without hypocrisy--not as men-pleasers but from a pure heart. First and foremost, this is a description of Christ Jesus who made unto us Wisdom by God (1 Corinthians 1: 30-31.)