James 1: 26, 27
The vain religionist possesses plenty of outward dress so as to appear religious: he may profess salvation is in Christ Jesus alone, by grace alone, through faith alone. He may claim to no longer have any confidence in his flesh. Yet, when offended by the word of God or the trial, out of the abundance of his corrupt heart, his mouth betrays his profession. His general tenor is to defend self and blame God and the brethren (James 1:13). He is slow to hear and quick to speak his words of excess which go beyond the simplicity of faith in Christ Jesus (Ps 39:1). An exalter of self and a hewer of brethren, in private insinuations, as well as public charges, he does all to the dishonor of God.
Pure religion and undefiled is that good and perfect Gift which came down from above from the Father of lights. Before God and the Father, Christ visited his utterly helpless and comfortless brethren, comforting the Lord’s people with the word of His grace. He has accomplished their warfare, purged their iniquity and rewarded them in abundant grace (Isaiah 40:1, 2). He added nothing, subtracted nothing but gave His orphans and widows the word of His Father (John 17:14). His prayer was for the Father to separate them by making the word of truth effectual in their hearts (John 17:17). He kept himself unspotted from this world that His word of truth be not hindered in sanctifying those He visited (John 17:19). And He prayed for those who would believe on Him through the word (John 17:20). Christ Jesus the Lord is pure religion and undefiled. Those born of his Spirit are pure religionists through faith in him and following the example he has given us. May the Father answer Christ's petition making His word effectual in our hearts, increasing faith in Him, bridling our tongues, and causing us to visit one another in love with the Word of grace. (1 Peter 2:1-3; John 6:68-69).