Purpose of Despisers, Purpose of God
Acts 13: 38-41
The whole purpose of Satan and the message preached in the synagogues of Satan are to keep men in ignorance to the liberty that is in Christ Jesus. It is not those who are being bewitched that I reject but those who have heard the gospel and yet teach the law. By pointing sinners to the law, and away from Christ, they turn men to darkness. They make a work of acceptance out of the gospel ordinances. Despisers bind sinners with heavy burdens saying that reward or punishment by God is according to something the believer does or does not do. This is the surest way to keep a sinner unsettled, ungodly, and full of filthy religious, immoral sin in every aspect of his life.
The whole purpose of God is to settle God’s people in Christ through the gospel. Beholding Christ our complete and perfect holiness, our acceptance with God, the believer is settled in this life because he knows that God who spared not his own Son has justified him from all things from which he could not be justified (or sanctified or redeemed) by the law of Moses or by his own wisdom. God who delivered up his own Son will also provide every temporal need we have so we do not have to live by the sword of our own hand between our fellow man. Also, the believer is settled concerning the life to come because as Christ is, so are we in this present evil world. He is risen never again to see death—the believer is likewise; Christ is no longer under the law--the believer is delivered likewise; Christ Jesus is free from the sin he was made on behalf of his people--likewise the believer; Christ is seated at God's right hand--the believer is likewise. Eternal life is not something we shall have it is something the believer has right now. Acceptance is not something we are striving for it is a present reality in Christ our Beloved.