Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
Bible TextN/A
Article Type Article
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Imagine coming to the church house to worship only to hear the preacher tell you that God’s favor is toward you because of some good he foresaw in you.  What if it was declared to you that you become a child of God by your obedience to the law given on Mt. Sinai? What if you were taught that it is your devotion to the church—the sacrifices you make, your self-denial, your attendance, your coming to an altar, your observance of days by which you are saved?  What if you were taught that by confessing your sins to the priest you would be accepted of God?  Or that you are more accepted if you pray morning, noon and night?  Or what if you were told that washing the outside of your body from worldly defilement would make you more accepted of God?  What if the preacher declared that you are child of God because of your race?  Or what if it was said that you are a child of God because your father was a child of God and his father before him?  That is what the majority who professed to be children of God thought God taught in the law and in the prophets. They missed Christ.  Sadly, one or more of these is what a great host of professing Christians think today. Salvation is of the Lord.  All whom God the Father chose, God the Son perfected forever by his one offering and God the Holy Spirit calls and keeps in the power of grace. Ask God to reveal Christ in you.