Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleSalvation is in a Choice
Bible TextActs 13:17
Article Type Article
PDF Format pdf
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Salvation is in a Choice
Acts 13: 17

Though Abraham was an idolater who would never choose the true and living God, it did not hinder God’s promise and purpose of grace because God chose Abraham in Christ before he founded the world.  Though Ishmael would be born of the wisdom and will of Abraham and Sara, it would not frustrate God’s promise and purpose of grace, because God chose Isaac in his Son before he made the world.  Isaac would be “the son born, the son given” to typify Christ our Isaac in whom Abraham’s true children are called. Though Esau and Jacob were twins, though Isaac loved Esau more than Jacob, though Jacob was full of deceit, it would not hinder God’s promise and purpose of grace, because God chose Jacob long before the two were ever born, before any of those earthly hindrances had ever come about.  Salvation is not in your choice but God's.