Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleWhy Brethren Suffer
Bible TextActs 12:1-3
Article Type Article
PDF Format pdf
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Why Brethren Suffer?
Acts 12: 1-3


Two of the greatest reasons that believer's suffer in this world are given in this passage.  One, James and Peter suffered for preaching Christ and him crucified.  They stood for the truth that the sovereign power of God alone saves sinners apart from the help of men.  Their gospel was concerning the complete atonement accomplished by the Christ Jesus the Son of God.  They left man no room to glory in matters of regeneration but declared plainly that spiritual life and the fruits of grace are by the Holy Spirit only.  When the triune God receives all the glory in salvation, in our believing, in our sanctified walk and in our perseverance then men will surely rebel against that message. Two, the brethren suffered when they beheld the mistreatment, suffering and even death of their brethren. They knew these were men loved by their Lord.  These were men whom they loved. Beholding brethren suffer causes much suffering in the brethren. Our peace during these times is in Christ alone.  Our joy is in Christ alone.  In Christ we are more than conquerors through him that loved us (Rom 8: 37.)  This was our Lord's comforting and reassuring word to all who suffer for his name's sake.  John 16: 33: These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.