In Deed and In Truth
1 John 3:18
The language is not "let us NOT love ONLY in word OR tongue", the word is "let us NOT love in WORD, NEITHER in TONGUE; BUT..."--in another way opposite from these two--"in deed and in truth."
Let us not love in word but in truth. Many perform deeds because they think they are what the written word describes as love. For example: most take the illustration John gives of providing for a brother in need and perform such a deed thinking they have love (1 Jn 3 17.) But such love is in word only--it is according to the letter--it is thinking you have life (in this case, love) by doing this example to the letter. But loving in truth rather than in word begins in 1 John 3:15. It is having eternal life abiding in you so that now instead of the carnal hatred that reigned, Christ has entered by the new birth, love abides in the new spirit (1 John 3: 24; 19.) If loving in word (the letter) were enough then one brother could die for another brother and expect salvation by it. In fact, the Lord says many will bring forth such deeds in the last day and argue with the Lord that they did many such wonderful deeds (Matthew 7: 22.) It is the very reason Cain killed Abel (1 John 3: 11-13.) Yet, a new spirit has got to be put in you by Christ Jesus who is life eternal. Then the sinner ceases loving in word but loves in truth. The exhortation is, Walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh. Love from the heart of truth, not merely because the word says you ought to love. Let us not love in word but in truth.
Neither let us love in tongue but in deed. Those who love in word rather than truth also love in tongue rather than deed. Usually, they speak more than believers about deeds of love, yet never actually perform them, and certainly not in truth. The believer who has the love of Christ abiding in him, not only loves in truth rather than word, but also loves in deed rather than tongue. He lays down his life for his brethren because from a true heart, he beholds the love of God in Christ laying down his life for him (1 John 3: 16.) He rejoices that he is not his own, he is bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6: 20-note body and spirit there is the same as deed and truth, here) Therefore he rejoices that his goods are not his own but given to provide for his brethen. Freely he has been given all from the Lord and freely he is willingly to give all for those purchased by the Lord (1 John 3: 17.)
My little children, let us love not in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.