Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleThe Great Compromise
Bible TextActs 5:17-18
Article Type Article
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Acts 5: 17, 18

The Pharisee claimed to worship Jehovah but they differed from the Sadducee in that they believed that there would be a resurrection from the dead.  The Sadducees claimed to believe Jehovah but they differed from the Pharisee in that they believed there was no resurrection.  Yet, these differences were overlooked because they both hated the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Resurrection and the Life.  Many today claim to believe Christ but compromisers will overlook their differences to join together to tread under foot the Son of God.  Compromisers may disagree with one another but when Christ receives all Preeminence those who hate God will always compromise with others of like hatred for God.