Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleFreed To Preach Christ
Bible TextActs 5:17-20
Article Type Article
PDF Format pdf
Word Format doc

Acts 5: 17-20

The most amazing wonder performed in the world throughout all ages, especially ours, is the successful work of Christ our King in calling out his sheep in the midst of so great opposition.  The Lord adds to his church as it pleases him.  Yet, because the Lord is pleased, in his good providence, to give us seasons of little increase, it is an easy thing for believers to sometimes grow discouraged.  But the fact is, we have no good reason for doubt.  Our Lord is risen, reigning and he is ruling.  Sinners,  redeemed by his blood, are called out of darkness into his marvelous light, by him, exactly on time, as it pleases him.  Knowing that he triumphantly won the victory over sin and death for all God's elect, as those born of the sovereign, electing, redeeming grace of God, we are guaranteed the certain success of this ministry, because it is the ministry of the gospel of Christ and him crucified.  Just as the Lord freed Peter and John and sent them with boldness to preach all the words of this life, so in our day Christ continues to use his vessels of mercy to confound the wise in calling out his sheep.  There is no obstacle too great for our Lord.  May we go with the liberty that only Christ gives, declaring all the words of this life, knowing as did Peter and John that he has freed us to preach Christ.