Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Free Grace Media

Of Princeton, New Jersey


AuthorClay Curtis
TitleHeart Crime
Bible TextActs 5:3-4
Article Type Article
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Acts 5: 3, 4

The one thing Ananias and Sapphira coveted more than money was the praise of men.  They were even willing to give up a little money and take on a form of religion to get it.   Barnabas sold a piece of land, they imitated; Barnabas brought the price of the land, they imitated; Barnabas laid the price of his land down at the apostles feet, they imitated; Barnabas desired his money be distributed among the poor saints, they imitated. The deceit of Ananias and Sapphira outwardly toward the brethren was evil. But their crime was in their heart against God.  The lesson is simple.  God will receive nothing less than complete surrender to him.  Submit wholly to Christ through faith and cease deceiving your own heart.  God will not be mocked.