Acts 3: 12, 13
What an undeniable fact, God hath glorified his Son! The God who promised free salvation to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through the Seed to be born from their lineage hath glorified his Son Jesus. God, whom our fathers believed, beholding God's promise afar off, hath glorified his Son Jesus. That covenant promise was and is effectual to save because it is a promise between God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The law witnesses that the faith of Jesus Christ toward God is truly the righteousness of God. In his Son Jesus, God declares that he saves righteously; for in his Son the law is satisfied toward his redeemed . Therefore he is just to adorn them in the riches of his grace and mercy. God set forth his Son and manifest the righteousness of God before the whole world when his Son took his King-seat in his holy hill of Zion. Every time the Holy Spirit creates a new nature in a sinner dead from his mother's womb, let all be assured and declare boldly with the apostle Peter, "The God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus."