Redeem: In scripture the word redeem is very similar to the word ransom. For example, I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death (Hosea 13:14.) In scripture, when a person owed money they would sell their things. Sometimes the person sold himself. He would become another person's servant. God made a way for the person to be freed. First, someone had to be willing to pay on their behalf. This person was to be the nearest of kin, called their redeemer or their kinsmen-redeemer. Next, the proper price had to be paid. This was called the redemption price. After the redeemer paid the redemption price in full, the person or things were freed or redeemed. The children of God lost everything when they sinned. They could not redeem themselves so their nearest of kin, God's Son, paid all their debt for them. Christ is the Kinsmen-Redeemer. His life was the redemption price. His people are now redeemed. This is the good news we believe.