Matthew 5: 9
God is the God of peace. Before the world began the triune God held a council of peace. The triune God entered into a covenant of peace; the work of making Peace was given to the Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ. It pleased the Father that in Christ, the Son of God should all fullness dwell (Col 1:19; Zec 6:13.) Therefore, even when we fell in Adam and were conceived in sin, God's thoughts were thoughts of peace toward those he everlastingly loved to given them an expected end (Jer 29:11.) God the Father gave his Son to accomplish peace through the blood of the cross. The eternal, holy chastisement of our peace was upon our Substitute and in him his people are effectually healed (Isaiah 53:5; Col 1:20.) No man could or can ever make the peace that Christ has made. He is Man with the same nature of his children who had sinned. He is God so he can draw nigh to his Father. Christ Jesus effectually reconciled God's elect to himself by his death on the cursed tree. The words of salvation by Christ are in the past tense because it is done. (Galatians 3:13.) He is the Peacemaker in the believer's conscience. If we have peace in our heart it is by his blood; if you are a peacemaker it is by Christ the Peacemaker working in you (Col 1:21-22; Jn 14:27.) A peacemaker is one who has been made to rejoice that God was in Christ reconciling us to himself, he has made us willing to "be ye reconciled to God" (2 Cor 5: 19, 20.) When God called us, we found that we were called, already the children of God in Christ our Peacemaker (Gal 4: 6.) Our happiness is not that any peacemaking was done by us but that Christ Jesus has finished the work.